Vermont Glass Guild Membership 2025:
Supporting all glass workers (Hot/Warm/Cold) living/working in/near the State
of Vermont.
The Vermont Glass Guild continues to grow and evolve! Currently we
distribute a full-color brochure in all the Vermont State Welcome Centers,
We occasionally have displays and available to members at the Guilford & Hartford Welcome Center during the Summer.
the Guild being under new leadership means we have lots of exciting new directions to head in.
We have a full Board of Directors, as of 2024, a set of By-laws and
gained Non-profit status in the State of VT in Fall 2017.
Currently there are 2 Tiers of Membership and ways of participating in the
VGG: If you are Paying for membership after the January 31, deadline you will not be included on the rack card.
You can be included on the website if you wish contact Marta for details.
Tier 1 --$100 Annually-All above benefits, plus this level gives you
additional Web exposure with your own Member Page on the VGG website
(including images), a listing on the annually printed State Map Brochure.
We encourage members to join at this level, if at all possible, especially
if you have a working Studio/Gallery.
Tier 2 --$50 Annually This level offers web/show exposure. You may haveyour own listing (copy only) on the VGG Website; may become an Administratorof our Face Book Page. You are also invited to participate in any of thegroup exhibits/shows/displays the VGG is involved with throughout the year(Additional fees may apply). Encouraged to attend VGG meetings andfunctions, and may vote on VGG business matters.
Please send dues payment to:
Marta Bernbaum 119 Hescock Rd Brattleboro Vt 05301
Glass Guild *** (Check made out to: Vermont Glass Guild)
Member Application
Supporting all glassworkers (Hot/Warm/Cold) living/working in/near the State
of Vermont.